American Cleanroom Systems
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Flujo de aire en el cuarto limpio

Los cuartos limpios están diseñados para tener un flujo de aire filtrado verticalmente para mantener el cuarto tan libre de partículas como sea posible. Los filtros HEPA situados en el techo empujan el aire filtrado por HEPA al interior del recinto, donde se desplaza hasta el suelo y sale a través de los conductos de aire situados en la parte baja de la pared.

Un cuarto limpio bien diseñado tendrá un flujo de aire laminar (piense en un río apacible) que empuje la contaminación fuera del cuarto limpio de la manera más eficaz. Un cuarto limpio con diseño inadecuado puede tener un flujo de aire turbulento (piense en un río caudaloso) que sólo empuja la contaminación por todo el cuarto.

GIF blue arrows red arrows, cleanroom air flow, recirculating cleanroom
Flujo de aire del cuarto limpio – recirculación
one pass cleanroom, cleanroom air flow, GIF blue arrows red arrows
Flujo de aire del cuarto limpio – de una vía
Flujo de aire del cuarto limpio softwall

FAQs About Cleanroom Air Flow

Q: ¿Qué es un cuarto limpio con recirculación?

R: In a recirculating cleanroom the air passes over and over thru the HEPA fan filter units. This makes the air cleaner and cleaner as well as extending the life of the HEPA fan filter units.

Q: What Are Advantages of a Recirculating Cleanroom?

R: Recirculating cleanrooms typically have their own air conditioning systems. This allows for temperature and humidity control. In a recirculating cleanroom the air passes thru the HEPA fan filter units over and over. This makes the air cleaner and cleaner as well as extending the life of the HEPA fan filter units.

Q: What Are Advantages of a One Pass Cleanrooms?

R: Typically one pass cleanrooms are lower cost than recirculating cleanrooms as they do not include air conditioning.

Q: ¿Cuáles son las desventajas de los cuartos limpios de una vía?

R: They cannot fully accommodate AC so you cannot control the temperature of your cleanroom. Workers inside that wear cleanroom suits can get very hot. Also one pass cleanrooms draw outside unfiltered air thru the HEPA fan filter units so they typically cannot achieve the same level of cleanliness as recirculating rooms. Finally, the HEPA fan filter units have significantly shorter life in one pass cleanrooms as they are constantly drawing dirt from the outside into the filter.

Q: ¿Qué es un cuarto limpio con paredes Softwall?

R: Softwall cleanroom use clear vinyl curtains to form the walls of the cleanroom. They are almost always designed as one pass cleanrooms. The air exhausts underneath the curtain at the floor level to outside of cleanroom.

Q: What Is Laminar Air Flow and Why Is It Desired in a Cleanroom?

R: Laminar air flow in a cleanroom is when the air is uniform in both direction and velocity. Like a smooth-running river, the laminar airflow sweeps particles down to the floor and then horizontally to low wall air returns. This reduces particles in the cleanroom compared to turbulent air flow.

Q: ¿Qué es el flujo de aire turbulento y por qué es malo en los cuartos limpios?

R: Turbulent air flow creates unintentional swirls of air that swirl and deposit particulates inside a cleanroom. Like river rapids, the turbulent air flow carries particles all around the cleanroom as opposed to directing them to the floor and then to air return grills. Good cleanrooms rely on moving large volumes of clean air at low velocity. High velocity air causes turbulence. Turbulent air flow is much less effective than laminar air flow in removing particles.

Q: ¿Cómo puedo asegurarme de que mi cuarto limpio tenga un flujo de aire laminar?

R: The cleanroom is typically designed with evenly distributed HEPA fan filter units in the ceiling and strategically placed low wall air returns to ensure an even uninterrupted flow of clean air. In larger rooms, air return walls are often added into the middle of the room to minimize the distance. Ceiling air returns should be avoided as it can result in short circuiting of the air flow between the ceiling mounted HEPA fan filter units and the ceiling air return.  

Q: How Can Equipment Placement Affect Cleanroom Laminar Air Flow and the Effectiveness of a Cleanroom?

R: Los usuarios de cuartos limpios deben tener cuidado con la ubicación de los equipos para evitar bloquear el flujo de aire y crear zonas inactivas. Se recomienda colocar los equipos en estanterías abiertas. Las mesas y los bancos suelen estar diseñados con superficies perforadas para permitir la circulación del aire. Los equipos nunca deben colocarse delante de las rejillas de retorno de aire, ya que esto puede disminuir significativamente el flujo de aire.

Q: ¿Qué diseño de cuarto limpio da los mejores resultados de flujo de aire laminar?

R: La cobertura del techo con filtro HEPA del 100% del cuarto limpio, combinada con el piso elevado del mismo, dará los mejores resultados para el flujo de aire laminar del cuarto limpio. También permite un control más estricto de temperatura y humedad. Este tipo de diseño es habitual en los cuartos limpios de clase 100 para la fabricación de semiconductores.

Q: Why Are Rigid Wall (Modular or Conventional Construction) Cleanrooms More Effective Than Softwall Cleanrooms in Removing Particulates From the Air?

R: Rigid walls (modular or conventional) allow cleanrooms to maintain positive pressure to ambient. This means if there is a door opening or a leak in the cleanroom, the air flows from inside to outside the cleanroom pushing contaminants away from the cleanroom and reducing the amount that enters. Softwall cleanrooms (clear vinyl curtains) push the air to flow under the curtains to the outside of the cleanroom. There is rarely measurable positive pressure. Although they are overlapping, the strip curtain entrances also allow contaminants to enter the cleanroom.

Q: ¿Qué es el aire de reemplazo para cuartos limpios?

R: A certain amount of air escapes from the cleanroom via door openings, cracks, and exfiltration thru walls. In addition, there is often equipment that exhausts to outside cleanrooms like chemical hoods. In order to maintain positive pressure, the cleanroom must have a source of sufficient makeup air to compensate for air that escapes.

American Cleanroom Systems

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23221 Arroyo Vista Rancho Santa Margarita California, 92688


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